On behalf of the congregation of Norwood Heights Baptist Church, welcome to our site. We are delighted to share with you some information about us and hope that you find it helpful. This church exists for the glory of God- that all who know our church members might see how truly great and glorious our God is. We believe that we are made expressly to be in a relationship with Him and to recognize Jesus of Nazareth as our Lord and Savior. It is His will that this relationship begins with repentance of sin and faith in God's Son Jesus Christ and continues in daily spiritual growth and maturity. We strive to bring God glory through everything we do together: singing, praying, hearing His Word preached, loving Him and one another, and so much more. We are an evangelical community of believers ruled by Christ, governed by our congregation, led by our pastors, served by our deacons, organized by committees, and supported through ministry teams.
our Staff:
Matthew Timmons
Senior Pastor
Rodney Furnish
Pastor for Teens & Students
Hunter Barrett
Worship and Education Pastor
Teresa Gillis
Financial Assistant
Theresa Lively
Administrative Assistant